There are a lot of things that inspire me. Music is one, art is another, and books...well they have ALWAYS inspired me. I just finished reading "Love is the Killer App" by Tim Sanders.
I first heard about the book at the MJ 2 Day. So after I got home I went online to order the book so that I could read it. When I first got it and paged through it I kind of thought...ugh, this could be boring. Maybe this was a bad idea. Let me tell you, I was WRONG! Now, granted it wasn't an action-packed-thriller book. But there are some awesome points that Tim makes in the book. The basic thought of the book is be kind to everyone. To everyone. And pay it forward. Whatever that 'It' it forward and you will reap the benefits. I loved that I can apply this to not only my personal photography business but I can also use it at my not-so-fantastic day job. It was like a 'duh' moment reading some of the book because the things that he talks about are so simple you can't help but say to yourself..."well, duh...why didn't I think of that?!" Tim really does a good job of talking about how to make yourself approachable by just being kind to others. And, yes, for the record...a simple smile can really light up and brighten up someone's day. Ahh-mazing. This book also has helped me with branding my business. Which is something that I have been up to lately :) so...changes are a-comin' :D
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