there are so many things that I wanted to write in this post. I know its actually Monday and not Friday. Friday Mike and I were able to just hang out, have a nice dinner, and a few drinks. just hang out. not something that we have been able to do lately because we have been running here and there...sometimes with and sometimes without the other, and finishing this or that, and meetings running late at work or having to start work earlier and work longer hours. sigh. but! today we both have off so that we can be at home and veg out. and in reality we aren't doing much veg-ing...I am writing this blog post and he is cutting tiles to put down in our new bathroom. oh well, such is life I suppose.
this week's foto friday is of our yard...which is looking kinda gross right now. except for the fact that the flower buds are starting to bloom :) so excited for the tulips to come up
flower buds and excited for green grass again (which...right now is really just a whole mess of mudddddd) :D
yellow flowers in the front
tucker :D what kind of doggy mommy would I be if I didn't include my fluffy doggy
annndddd....the tulips. :) grow faster!
happy week :)
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