10 years ago today....at almost this exact time
I was just starting my junior year of high school
sitting in chemistry class
listening to the boys that I sat by crack rude jokes...
when an announcement was made
'the twin towers have been flown into by 2 planes.'
the buildings had either just fallen or were falling.
i'm not sure...because all I remember was being chilled to the bones.
I remember the silence that followed that announcement.
suddenly it wasn't important who got to their lockers first.
or who sat down in class last.
the school was silent.
after a while there was crying.
and whispers.
'what's going to happen?'
'why did this happen?'
'who would want to do this?'
were among the few that I recall.
I had to work that afternoon...and I remember sweeping the dining room floor
(I worked in the kitchen at an old folks' home)
and just staring at the tv.
watching the bone-chilling-sight of the towers falling...
and over
and over again.
that was all that was on the news.
or really on any tv station for that matter.
there were so many unknowns.
in the days that followed there was silence.
one of those weird silences...that normally only happen in the movies.
like everyone, humans and animals alike, were mourning and trying to answer the unknowns.
it wasn't until a few years later that I was sitting in a college lecture, listening to one of the firemen that was trapped in one of the towers did it really hit me what happened...not many of my teachers in high school talked about this day. I only remember watching the tv in one classroom.
I obviously knew it was a tragedy and that we, as a nation, were never going to be the same.
today, stop to remember what happened.
say a prayer.
a poem.
a memory.
anything to remember.
say thanks to those that have served and are serving our country.
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