I always wondered what it would feel like.
I always wondered when it would happen.
and when it happened, what would that do to me...
would I be different?
would I change?
would it be the right thing at the right time?
the right place?
that minute when I realized that, wow, this is my life…
I am a grown up.
or, as grown up as I have to be, anyway ;)
the other day, sitting at work it happened.
I realized it.
I grew up.
I am grown up.
I am grown up.
somewhere in that in-between.
I. am. a. grown. up.
that moment when you realize that this, this is your life.
that moment when you realize that this, this is your life.
and the decisions that have to be made are more than just what you are eating for lunch that day.
the decisions that can change every aspect of your life.
change your life in the matter of a few words or seconds of decisions and actions.
then, make your life a whirlwind of crazy.
and all of a sudden that whirl wind takes over your life, and somewhere in that in-between there is a light at the end of the tunnel. a light that leads to this whole new world of options.
almost like walking outside after the rain finishes.
almost like walking outside after the rain finishes.
you know, that calm after the storm.
when I was younger in school I always wondered what it would be like to be a grown up.
to have to get up every morning.
get dressed.
eat breakfast.
(because, it really is the most important meal of the day)
go to work.
have responsibilities.
deal with people.
whether they are nice or not. and whether or not you are in a good, bad, or ugly mood.
have a social life (or try to anyway).
have to pay the bills.
get enough sleep.
eat the right things (pizza and beer is healthy…right?! ;) )
all those things that grown ups do.
it happened the other day.
it actually happened.
and I sat in disbelief for a few mintues.
let that realization sink in.
that moment I realized that somewhere in-between not-all-that-long-ago and 26 and a half…
I grew up.
I grew up.
maybe it is because of all the decisions that the past few months have presented me with.
or maybe because I get my hair cut regularly.
and paint my nails, wear makeup, and dress up like a girl sometimes…
all out...with heels and everything!
or maybe its because I have been forced to realized what I really want in life.
in MY life.
and I am the one who has to call the shots.
I never imagined I would be making some of the decisions that I have had to make lately.
the last few months have been the hardest of my entire life.
and have faced me with some of the toughest decisions to make.
decisions that have ultimately made me a much stronger person.
I know I can go on and live without certain things.
things that I never imagined having to live without.
but yet, at the very same time, the past few months have been some of the best of my entire life.
funny how life works.
all of this life-in-between has also shown me how thankful I am for the people that are in my life right now.
people that have seen me at my lowest and highest moments.
helped me through some of the hardest decisions a person can make.
kept my spirits up.
shown me that the sun does come out tomorrow.
and proved that even in the hardest of times, there is good in everything.
to the people that have stood next to me,
thank you.
thank you for everything.
and those two little words don't seem like nearly enough.
and those two little words don't seem like nearly enough.
the phone calls.
the texts.
words of encouragement and wisdom.
and simply just being there.
it means the world to me.
it means the world to me.
and to the ones that didn't stand next to me,
well, thank you as well.
for opening my eyes to the world around me.
for making me a stronger person.
and for helping me to believe in myself.
and because a blog post shouldn't be without a photo
the one that I owe the most to...
email! :) / website! :)
the one that I owe the most to...
email! :) / website! :)
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